

Last update date: November 06, 2023

Carbohydrates function as your body's main source of energy. Avoid opting for a low-carb or zero-carb diet.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are carbohydrates and their function?

Carbohydrates are present in a wide range of foods, both healthy and unhealthy. Common sources include bread, beans, milk, popcorn, potatoes, cookies, spaghetti, soft drinks, corn, and cherry pie. Carbohydrates exist in various forms, such as sugars, fibers, and starches.


How do carbohydrates help your body?

Carbohydrates offer several benefits for your health: Energy Source: Carbohydrates provide the body with glucose, which is converted into energy for bodily functions and physical activity. Improved Sleep: Consuming carbohydrates can promote better sleep patterns and enhance relaxation. Fiber Intake: Carbohydrates found in whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and beans are rich in fiber, supporting digestive health and regularity. Chronic Disease Prevention: Including healthy carbohydrates in your diet helps prevent chronic diseases like heart disease, certain cancers, and type 2 diabetes. Blood Clot Prevention: Carbohydrates play a role in preventing the formation of blood clots, promoting cardiovascular health. Weight Management: Incorporating carbohydrates from whole foods helps control weight by providing a feeling of satiety and reducing the risk of overeating.


What is negative impact of Carbohydrate?

However, excessive or poor-quality carbohydrate consumption can have negative effects: Excessive Weight Gain: Overconsumption of carbohydrates, particularly from processed or refined sources, can contribute to weight gain and obesity. Increased Blood Sugar Levels: Foods with a high glycemic index can cause spikes in blood sugar levels, affecting overall blood sugar control. Elevated Cholesterol Levels: Diets high in refined carbohydrates may raise cholesterol levels, increasing the risk of heart disease. Skin Issues: Refined carbohydrates can contribute to skin problems, such as acne. Constipation and Bloating: A diet lacking in fiber-rich carbohydrates may result in constipation and bloating. Fatigue: Relying heavily on processed carbohydrates can lead to energy crashes and feelings of fatigue.


Who should avoid Carbohydrate?

It is advisable for people with diabetes (type 1 and type 2), pregnant women, and those aiming to lose weight to monitor and regulate their carbohydrate intake. Seeking guidance from healthcare professionals or registered dietitians can provide personalized advice.


What are common sources of Carbohydrate?

In India, common sources of carbohydrates include: Grains: Rice and wheat, which are dietary staples, have a high carbohydrate content and glycemic index. Limiting their consumption can contribute to better health. Brown rice, although slightly better, still contains a significant amount of carbohydrates. Millets: Jowar, bajra, and other millets are higher in carbohydrates. If you follow a low-carbohydrate lifestyle, it is advisable to minimize their intake. Corn: Cornflakes and processed corn products, popular breakfast options, have high carbohydrate content and a higher sugar load compared to wheat and rice. Consume them in moderation. Potato: Potatoes, a widely consumed staple vegetable, are high in carbohydrates. If following a low-carbohydrate diet, it is better to limit their consumption. Banana: While bananas are rich in nutrients like potassium, they are also high in carbohydrates and sugar load. Buckwheat: Consumed during fasting, buckwheat is another high-carbohydrate product to be mindful of. Raisins and Dates: Dry fruits like raisins and dates, commonly consumed in India, are high in carbohydrates and are better avoided due to their sugar content. Sweet Potatoes: Sweet potatoes, consumed in various forms during festivals and fasting, are also high in carbohydrates. In fact, most root vegetables are high in carbohydrates.


What are bad carbs in the food list?

some carbs we consume in our diet:- 1. White Rice 2. Bread 3. Pasta 4. Corn 5. Bananas 6. Potatoes

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