Citric Acid


Last update date: November 09, 2023

Citric acid is an acid naturally found in lemon juice. It is used as a preservative and flavouring agent in soft drinks and candies.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is Citric Acid?

Citric acid, first obtained from lemon juice in 1784, is a colorless, odorless compound. It's not only found in lemon juice but can also be produced by the black mold Aspergillus niger when it consumes sugar. This naturally sour-tasting acid is widely used in food as a flavoring and preservative. It also serves as a stabilizing agent in medicines and works as a disinfectant.


What is positive impact of Citric Acid?

Citric acid offers several health benefits: Metabolizes Energy: Citric acid plays a crucial role in the Krebs cycle, a metabolic process that generates energy. By facilitating this cycle, it aids in the efficient conversion of nutrients into usable energy for the body. Enhances Nutrient Absorption: This acid promotes the absorption of essential minerals, such as calcium and iron, in the digestive tract. Improved absorption contributes to overall nutrient utilization and better health. May Protect Against Kidney Stones: Citric acid can help prevent the formation of kidney stones by binding to calcium in the urine, preventing it from crystallizing into stones. This is particularly beneficial for individuals prone to kidney stones.


What is negative impact of Citric Acid?

While citric acid is generally safe for consumption, excessive intake can have some adverse effects: Dental Health Concerns: High consumption of citric acid, often found in acidic beverages like citrus juices and soft drinks, can erode tooth enamel over time. It's advisable to consume such beverages in moderation and practice good oral hygiene. Gastrointestinal Discomfort: Some individuals may experience digestive discomfort, such as acid reflux or heartburn, if they consume large quantities of citric acid. This is especially relevant for those with pre-existing gastrointestinal conditions. Allergic Reactions: Although rare, some people may be allergic to citric acid, experiencing symptoms like skin rashes, hives, or digestive issues. If you suspect an allergy, seek medical advice.


Who should avoid Citric Acid?

Individuals with certain health conditions, such as acid reflux, sensitive teeth, or a known citric acid allergy, should exercise caution and limit their citric acid intake. It's also wise for those with a history of kidney stones to moderate their consumption to prevent recurrence. If you have any concerns or specific health conditions, consult with a healthcare professional for personalized dietary recommendations.


What drinks are high in citric acid?

Citric acid is naturally present in various fruits, with citrus fruits being the primary sources. These include: Lemons Limes Oranges Grapefruits Tangerines Pomelos

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