Zesty Kiwi and Feta Salsa
Zesty Kiwi and Feta Salsa
Recipe By: 

Ariso Recipes

Zesty Kiwi and Feta Salsa

Last update date: February 12, 2024

Try this zesty salsa featuring ripe kiwi, red onion, and fresh parsley, all brought together with a hint of heat from hot sauce and a touch of sweetness from honey. Perfectly paired with creamy feta cheese for a refreshing and flavorful appetizer.

Total Time: 

25 minutes.



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How To Cook?


To prepare the zesty kiwi and feta salsa, start by peeling and dicing the kiwis. finely chop the red onion and fresh parsley leaves.


In a large mixing bowl, combine the diced kiwis, chopped red onion, parsley leaves, hot sauce, honey, lemon juice, and a pinch of salt.


Taste the salsa and adjust the salt and spice levels to suit your preference.


Once the flavors are well combined, refrigerate the salsa until you are ready to serve.


When it's time to serve, transfer the chilled salsa to a serving bowl.

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