Lemon, Leek & Mushroom Risotto
Lemon, Leek & Mushroom Risotto
Recipe By: 

Ariso Recipes

Lemon, Leek & Mushroom Risotto

Last update date: February 12, 2024

A burst of flavors in every bite: Creamy lemon, leek, and mushroom risotto, where Arborio rice is cooked to perfection in a fragrant blend of garlic, leeks, and mushrooms, then infused with zesty lemon zest and juice. Finished with a touch of cheddar cheese for a rich and comforting dish.

Total Time: 

1 hour and 0 minutes



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How To Cook?


To prepare lemon, leek & mushroom risotto, heat butter and olive oil in a heavy-bottomed pan over medium heat.


Add minced garlic, sliced leeks, and mushrooms to the pan. saute for 2-3 minutes until the leeks and mushrooms become lightly soft.


Stir in the arborio rice and pour in the white wine, bringing the risotto to a brisk boil.


Reduce the heat and let it simmer until the wine is completely absorbed by the rice.


Once the wine is evaporated, add the vegetable stock to the rice and continue simmering until the rice is fully cooked and all the stock is absorbed.

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