Indian-Inspired Spinach Shakshuka
Recipe By: 

Ariso Recipes

Indian-Inspired Spinach Shakshuka

Last update date: February 12, 2024

Indulge in the rich flavors of Indian-Inspired Spinach Shakshuka. Saut�ed onions, aromatic spices, and tomato sauce form a savory base, while eggs are gently nestled into wells, creating a delightful, comforting dish. Garnish with cilantro for an exquisite experience. Enjoy!

Total Time: 

25 minutes.



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How To Cook?


Heat a heavy-bottomed skillet over medium heat. add oil and once it's heated, sprinkle cumin seeds followed by minced garlic. stir for a minute, then add sliced onions. sprinkle half of the salt and saute for about 5 minutes until the onions are cooked through and turn golden brown.


Sprinkle cumin powder and chili powder into the skillet. mix well and pour in the tomato sauce. stir and cook for 2 minutes.


If using canned tomato sauce, sprinkle in the sugar. if not, you can omit it. sprinkle the remaining salt, cinnamon powder, and dried fenugreek leaves. stir everything together, cover the skillet, and let it simmer for 5 minutes.


After 5 minutes, remove the cover and add the baby spinach. cover the skillet again for 1 to 2 minutes to wilt the spinach and make it easier to mix with the other ingredients.


Stir everything together and taste for seasoning, adjusting salt if necessary.

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