Spicy Cauliflower Croquettes
Recipe By: 

Ariso Recipes

Spicy Cauliflower Croquettes

Last update date: February 12, 2024

Delight in the crispy goodness of Spicy Cauliflower Croquettes. These golden-brown, flavorful bites are made by combining tender cauliflower with aromatic spices, creating a delicious appetizer or snack. Enjoy them with your favorite dipping sauce!

Total Time: 

1 hour and 0 minutes



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How To Cook?


To prepare the spicy cauliflower croquettes, start by pressure cooking the cauliflower with a little water and a pinch of salt for 2 whistles.


Allow the pressure to release naturally and set the cauliflower aside.


In a saucepan, heat the milk and add unsalted butter, minced garlic, and a little salt. bring it to a boil.


Gradually add the all-purpose flour to the boiling milk while continuously whisking to form a lump-free mixture. set it aside and let it cool for a few minutes.


While the mixture cools down, take the cooked cauliflower and pulse it in a blender to obtain a coarse mixture.

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